Partner Spotlight: Digité

Partner Spotlight: Digité

At Peoplelogic, partnerships are a big part of what we do. It enables us to seamlessly gather the data that provides our customers with an automated mission control for teams—offering insights, recommendations, and keeping an eye on the health of teams, customers, and companies in real time, 24/7, 365. Today, we’re excited to formally share with you the news around our latest technology partnership, Digité.

“We’re excited to announce the formal partnership between Digité and Peoplelogic. With technology partnerships such as these, Peoplelogic furthers our goal to build a true mission control for teams—an accurate, holistic understanding of the data teams are generating and a way to proactively identify and resolve issues and take advantage of opportunities that exist within their businesses.” - Matt Schmidt, Founder and CEO,

About Digité

Digité is an integrated Lean/ Agile project management and collaboration tooling company based out of Silicon Valley—originally founded by a cohort of serial entrepreneurs. Headquartered in Cupertino, California—Digité is a leading provider of enterprise ready collaborative software and solutions focused on Lean/Agile Application Lifecycle Mananagement as well as Visual Project Management. With nearly a million users, they deliver high-impact solutions for Corporate teams, ISVs, IT teams, as well as general business functions such as Marketing, HR, Procurement, Recruitment, Legal, amongst others.

“Forming a partnership with Peoplelogic makes perfect sense for us. They share our core value of using data-driven management, and making that data more accessible, simple to understand, and actionable in a matter of minutes.” Mahesh Singh, Co-Founder and SVP Marketing, Digité

With a Great Partnership, Comes a Great Integration

SwiftKanban is an industry-leading Enterprise/ Portfolio Kanban tool for Agile teams and organizations who want to use the Kanban Method to accelerate their Lean/ Agile initiatives, become “fit-for-purpose” and achieve better business outcomes. SwiftKanban enables collocated/ distributed Agile teams to effectively implement and practice Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban or Scaled Agile methods with extensive Kanban board/workflow modeling, insightful Flow metrics, powerful multi-board portfolio or work hierarchy modeling, effective backlog grooming with upstream Kanban and Story Mapping, and support for Daily Standups and Retrospectives/ Replenishment meetings.

It was the perfect platform to integrate with Peoplelogic. By connecting the two, SwiftKanban users can track every movement associated with a card—across all of your Kanban boards—to receive real-time, meaningful, and actionable insights and recommendations from Kanban usage and activity trends. The best part? By adding SwiftKanban to your Peoplelogic integration stack, you get an even more granular viewport into how your team members prefer to work, can proactively identify any bottlenecks, and get a deeper, more meaningful, understanding of how work is getting done in your organization.

About is the creator of the world’s first AI-augmented mission control for businesses—making growth scalable. The software uses data from the tools employees love to use to better inform leaders on how work at their organization gets done—spotting opportunities in real-time, and mitigating problems before they affect the bottom-line. makes that data useable, prescriptive, and actionable—without any heavy lifting. With keeping an eye on the health of your organization 24/7, 365—business leaders can rest easy and focus their time where it really matters.


Paving the way for organizational health!


Peoplelogic gives me access to real-time data about my workforce that I can't view in any of our other talent systems!

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