Managing Retention Through Change

Last year, Corevist closed a Series A round of funding, and their leadership team was searching for a way to make sure their processes scaled sustainably while monitoring the health of their distributed team. That is when they found Peoplelogic, the first automatic People Intelligence platform that enables data-driven decision-making for scaling companies.

Corevist helps solve complex issues that enterprise manufacturers face today. Their solutions are unique in that they offload many of the IT resources needed to run an enterprise eCommerce website by offering a fully managed cloud solution, all with real-time ERP data.

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215k Unique Interactions


United States



“Highlight and pinpoint actionable insights from our activity data”

We had seen a few people leave and we were not sure if they were unique cases or if there was something in our current processes that would lead to more attrition. We needed to find out. So, we partnered with Peoplelogic to highlight and pinpoint actionable insights from our activity data. Sure enough, we were able to see process issues around our frequency of meetings, levels of collaboration, and the effect those had on our overall productivity.

Susan Wall
Chief Operating Officer
40 employees


Many companies are experiencing the challenges of growing an internationally distributed team. After a 30% increase in headcount in 2020, Corevist had trouble retaining the new team. Their leadership team wanted to learn what processes were affecting their organizational health (people and process health) and measure how it was contributing to attrition. They were most interested in monitoring the communication & collaboration of the team including:

Challenges for Corevist

How to encourage human connection that contributes to overall team morale.
Measure the effect of too many meetings or too few meetings on burnout and engagement.
Increase the exchange of essential information through various communication channels.

Retaining your best people with Peoplelogic

As with any company working to scale, attrition and burnout are major threats to growth. Companies need to focus on keeping their processes efficient and their employees engaged to combat the continual threat of attrition.

“Peoplelogic’s value to Corevist is immeasurable.”

Peoplelogic helped us prepare for tough conversations with our team; coming with a data-backed understanding of what was causing frustration and burnout. This gave us the ability to provide realistic solutions that would not only help the individuals, but the entire team. Compared to the loss of even a single valuable team member, Peoplelogic’s value to Corevist is immeasurable.

Susan Wall
Chief Operating Officer
40 employees

How Corevist Found Success with Peoplelogic

Corevist partnered with Peoplelogic to take a deeper dive into their processes and receive actionable recommendations out of the data they were already creating. Specifically, Peoplelogic’s been able to surface insights around:

The number of meetings and interactions correlated with individual productivity.
The factors that contribute to the team hitting their SLA’s (or not).
The teams that have strong connections amongst themselves and throughout the organization.

Onboard, develop, retain, and grow
every employee - from day one

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