Asana Analytics — Advanced Reporting and Insights

Asana Analytics — Advanced Reporting and Insights

Asana is a popular web and mobile-based application that helps teams track, organize, and manage their projects and work. Designed to improve team productivity, work management, and collaboration, Asana has become one of the more popular tools in a technology company’s tech stack. The platform allows team members to create projects, assign tasks, specify deadlines, and communicate directly with their teammates. 

We work with a number of clients who use Asana. One of the most common requests we hear is, “I wish I could understand how Asana is helping our team hit its goals, where we keep running into bottlenecks, and how those projects relate to other teams.” If that sounds like something you’ve asked yourself, keep on reading.

History of Asana: 

Founded in 2008 by ex-Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, and ex-Facebook engineer, Justin Rosenstein, Asana was publicly launched in April of 2012 after four years of development and testing. By December of 2018, the company had already reached a valuation of $1.5 billion. 

In the beginning of that same year (2018), Asana had claimed over 35,000 paying users. Moving closer to the end of the year, thanks to sustained growth, Asana boasted over 50,000 paying users, solidifying a 90% year over year growth rate and opening the doors for significantly more funding. With more than thirty investors dedicating over $450 million dollars in funds, as of 2020, Asana has filed initial paperwork indicating the desire for an IPO. 

While Asana is an incredibly useful platform, there is a unique opportunity to incorporate a deep, contextual layer of analytics, insights, and automated recommendations on top of the system. Likewise, there is yet another opportunity to connect the data your teams are generating in Asana and tying it together with the data that is being generated across other tools like your CRM, support systems, and even video conferencing tools.

Optimizing Processes with Asana Analytics:  

By the time most people want to better understand the inner workings of their processes, it’s typically because something has started to break down. People are being delayed, steps are being skipped, or the process just doesn’t mimic the reality of a given situation anymore. 

When processes start to break down, results typically are the next to follow. Along that path there will be frustration, so it’s critical to have an unbiased, data-driven approach to analyzing where the problems exist and how to fix them. Otherwise, a lot of time will be spent developing new processes that may or may not work. This will certainly be distracting for you and your team. 

With Peoplelogic, you can measure KPIs and create insightful charts and reports based on your Asana data. Track your tasks, projects, and tags to see correlations and analyze trends within your data—empowering you to understand where your team is getting hung up and where room for improvement exists.  

Peoplelogic lets you track multiple metrics at once, and then combine that data across your tech stack so you get the entire data-driven story on how projects affect your colleagues, your customers, and how they help you hit your goals. uses the latest Asana REST API to aggregate events from the projects that the connected user has access to.  Out of the box we aggregate the following events: 

  • Comment 
  • Task Added 
  • Task Completed 
  • Task Reopened 
  • Task Updated 
  • Attachment Added 
  • Attachment Removed 
  • Task Deleted 
  • Task Assigned 
  • Task Unassigned 
  • Subtask Added 
  • Task Due Date Changed 

You’ll get advanced reporting and insights around the data your team is generating in Asana, but even more importantly, Peoplelogic will also aggregate and analyze the data that’s already being generated in all of your other connected tools—delivering automated recommendations, insights, and summaries on how your teams get work done, where you may be facing capacity and utilization problems, and helping you achieve the level of performance required to surpass your goals.  

Our goal has been, and remains, to deliver you the insights you need, when and where you need them to help keep growth scalable. To start to better understand how your team uses Asana, and all of the other tools in your stack, give Peoplelogic a try. You can get started today with a free 30-day trial on all of our plans.  

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Peoplelogic gives me access to real-time data about my workforce that I can't view in any of our other talent systems!

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