Data Operationalization Playbook by Peoplelogic

Data Operationalization Playbook by Peoplelogic

If your team isn't using data to inform their decisions, you're at risk of falling behind the competition. As the business landscape continues to evolve, companies need to adapt to stay competitive. To help you do so, we're excited to announce our new free playbook, "Informed Decisions Through the Operationalization of Data, Analytics & Insights."

What You’ll Learn in Part 1

Part 1 of the playbook focuses on the importance of measuring and managing employee engagement, explaining how it's key to organizational health and ultimately, business success. Engagement management in the past has been mostly focused on qualitative feedback. This playbook provides insight into how to leverage engagement data for improved performance, healthy cultures, higher creativity, and more.

Engagement data can be analyzed to understand relationships, communications, productivity, and visibility within and between teams. These insights empower leaders at all levels to make informed, impactful, and unbiased data-driven decisions that positively affect engagement levels.

The Importance of Engaged Employees

Companies must prioritize employee engagement to achieve long-term success. Engaged employees are 17% more productive than their disengaged peers. Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147%, and organizations with high employee engagement see 21% higher profitability.

By analyzing engagement data alongside performance data, companies can get a more comprehensive understanding of what's contributing to success.

(Research by Gallup)

Many Companies Don’t Operationalize Their Engagement Data

Data can provide insights that go beyond gut instincts or personal biases. It can help leaders make decisions that are grounded in facts rather than assumptions. This playbook provides valuable insights on how to operationalize engagement data to achieve business outcomes.

Ultimately, companies that take these steps can position themselves for long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Download the full playbook today!


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