Monthly One-on-One meeting template

Monthly One-on-One meeting template

Template for regular monthly or bi-monthly one-on-one meetings. Keep the conversation focused and foster trusting relationships and resolve issues early on.

Meeting agenda template


  • How's life? What are your work and non-work highlights in the past month?
  • What's top of your mind? What would you like to talk about first of all?
  • How's the progress towards your goals since we last met? Any blockers/challenges?
  • What do you plan to accomplish in the next month?

Career growth

  • What can I do to help you achieve your current goals in the following month?
  • Do you feel like you're growing in your role? What makes you say that?

Talking points

  • What feedback do you have for me? What's one thing I could do better in the next month?
  • Anything else you'd like to talk about today?

Monthly One-on-One template in Peoplelogic

Use this template in free meeting software - Peoplelogic. Save time, boost your productivity, never lose track of a follow-up action item again. Be prepared and have better, more meaningful conversations with your team. They will thank you! ❤️

Andrii Bas

Andrii Bas

Product Strategist, People & Performance

Founder of 3 products and product development agency @Uptech before 25. Use and consult about OKRs, performance management, and team leadership for 4+ years.


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