
New Admin & Manager Dashboards

Discover the enhanced admin and manager dashboards of, featuring high-impact recommendations, Lexi AI, and key performance indicators.

The user base spoke—and we listened! You may have seen the news a few weeks ago that Peoplelogic celebrated our 1st birthday with our biggest UX and feature release to date. One of the UX changes that we’re most excited about (and our users are enthusiastically embracing) is the revamped manager dashboard you see when you log into the platform. 

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The Old Peoplelogic Admin & Manager Dashboard

While most people found the dashboard intuitive and clean (our UX team says, “Thanks!”), the older Dashboard left a little something to be desired. One of our users’ favorite, most valuable features of the platform—the Recommendation Engine—was hidden below the fold.  

High Impact Recommendations

In a continuous effort to make Peoplelogic more intuitive, actionable, and impactful we completely overhauled the dashboard. The first thing you’ll notice when you sign into Peoplelogic will be the High Impact Recommendations. 

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High Impact Recommendations

This module is where the platform surfaces the most important recommendations that have been derived from your team’s data. After all, the platform is designed to mitigate risks and surface opportunities for growth in real time, so we wanted to dedicate space so no potential issue, bottleneck, or warning light goes unnoticed. The platform also filters out any recommendations that have been acted on or marked as irrelevant, that way you never miss a step or have to dig through older recommendations. Never fear though, all recommendations, including the more informational ones, can still be found below the fold within the Recommendation Engine module.  

Moving Lexi Front & Center

We’ve also moved Lexi, our natural language processing engine and AI bot, front and center on the dashboard. Lexi gives you an opportunity to interact with your data, digging in deep to find insights across platforms, systems, workflows, and teams.  

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Lexi, Peoplelogic's AI Bot

Simply ask Lexi a question, for instance “show me daily meetings scheduled over the last four weeks,” and the platform will surface the answers. Lexi also lets you save the most pertinent queries for your business and they can quickly be dropped onto a custom dashboard so you can keep an eye on your metrics in real time.  

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Lexi, Peoplelogic's AI Bot

Introducing KPIs

One of the most frequent requests we kept getting was to think of a way to bring key performance indicators (KPIs) into the fold. Now, with the Key Metrics module—you can keep an eye on your KPIs and how you are trending against your goals. This data also helps to inform both the Recommendation Engine and the Insights Engine so Peoplelogic can keep growth on track by proactively identifying any issues that may cause a bump in the road.  

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Key Performance Indicators

As of today, the KPIs are distinct to a certain team type. For instance, a Customer Success Team’s KPIs revolve around cases opened, resolved, closed, and reopened. An Engineering team’s KPIs revolve around commits and issues opened, closed, and resolved. Sales teams KPIs revolve around opportunity creation, and deals won or lost.  

We’ve gotten great feedback around the Key Metrics module and we’re hard at work so that users themselves will have the power to mark an event type, map that event as a KPI lever, and create their own metrics to track. With Peoplelogic running in the background, aggregating and analyzing data from across all of your disparate platforms and tools—you won’t have to spend hours digging through data trying to make sense of it all, or updating clunk excel models that are built on a house of cards.   

We’ve kept some of the user favorites as well—the Overview module (which showcases trends over the last 30 days), the Personality Insights module (which automatically maps your organization, teams, and colleagues based on the Big 5), and the How Did Your Team Spend Yesterday module (a way for managers to ensure their teams are working on the right type of work) are all still featured! 

Our goal at Peoplelogic is to be your partners in scalable growth. We offer an incredibly affordable platform that serves as a mission control for all your teams. By watching customer retention, employee satisfaction, and inefficient processes and workflows 24/7/365, Peoplelogic mitigates risks and provides prescriptive guidance to give you more time to grow your business.  

Get started for  free to see how Peoplelogic can redefine the way in which you manage, optimize, and lead your team.  

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