Peoplelogic - Now With More Context

Peoplelogic - Now With More Context

One of the biggest requests we've had for Peoplelogic is being able to better understand the data behind the metrics and recommendations that we show. In this release we're bringing you the context behind KPIs - making it easy to jump to WoW comparisons via Lexi. Stay tuned for more around recommendations!

New Features

  • KPI widgets allow for easy exploring of data via Lexi
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  • Lexi understands Intercom events for querying - including average time to close and average time to response
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  • Lexi understands Zendesk events for querying
  • Revamped weekly and daily notifications to be more engaging and consistent with our current UI - custom KPIs and WoW trends and more context with Lexi
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  • Skills are now supported as part of the employee importer
  • Location is now supported as part of the employee importer
  • 2 additional recommendations for Sales teams around emails and calls
  • Homepage widget for "Where is my team focused" is now present on individual team pages
  • Homepage widget for "Where is my team focused" is now present as an individual employee graph - and able to be toggled to compare to the primary team
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  • Homepage widget for team focus can now be filtered to past day, week or month
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  • New Aggregator: Figma


  • Weekly email included deactivated users
  • Lexi no longer requires that full names be entered as integration mappings
  • Weekly notifications now come at 8am ET on Monday
  • Placeholders on the homepage dashboard are no longer stretched when there's not enough data to show
  • Diacritic characters in employee names were mangled during bulk import

Paving the way for organizational health!


Peoplelogic gives me access to real-time data about my workforce that I can't view in any of our other talent systems!

Onboard, develop, retain, and grow
every employee - from day one