1:1 Meetings

Performance improvement meeting template

Performance improvement 1:1 template to understand, discuss, and overcome performance issues with your team members.
Andrii Bas
Product Strategist, People & Performance

This one-on-one meeting template is designed to help you effectively address performance issues with your team members. It provides a structured framework for gathering necessary data during the meeting and developing a performance improvement plan to set your team members on the path to success. Use this template to support your team's growth and development by identifying areas of performance improvement and setting actionable goals.

How to prepare for a performance improvement meeting

Make sure you prepare for performance improvement meeting to ensure it's productive and results in a clear action plan. Here are some steps to prepare for this meeting:

  1. Gather all the relevant data and facts regarding the performance issue. This includes performance metrics, 360 feedback, goals' progresss and other relevant information. Review the data carefully to grasp the situation and its impact on the team's objectives.
  2. Define the issue: Clearly define the performance problem you wish to address during the meeting. Use specific examples of problematic behavior or performance to illustrate the point.
  3. Determine the root cause: Is it a lack of skills or training, unclear expectations, or a mismatch between the team member's role and skillset? Understanding the underlying cause will help you develop an effective performance improvement plan.
  4. Plan the meeting: Develop an agenda, including the specific points you wish to discuss, using our template below. Consider how you will address the performance issue and develop an action plan for improvement.
  5. Prepare for the conversation: Anticipate how the team member may react to the feedback and plan your actions accordingly. Consider their perspective and prepare to provide support and resources to help them improve.

Steps to conduct a performance improvement meeting

Here're some tips on how to structure your performance improvement meeting. 

  1. Start on a positive note. Begin the meeting by acknowledging the team member's strengths and contributions. This encourages engagement and helps set a constructive tone.
  2. Discuss the performance issue. Make sure you provide specific examples of problematic behavior or performance. Be direct but empathetic in your feedback, and avoid being overly critical or defensive.
  3. Listen actively: Allow the team member to express their perspective and concerns. Listen to their feedback and validate their feelings.
  4. Develop a plan of action. Set clear, actionable goals with your team member and identify the resources and support needed. Agree on a timeline for reviewing progress and adjust the plan as needed.
  5. Follow up. Provide ongoing support and feedback to help the team member achieve their goals. Regularly check in on progress and provide additional resources or training if necessary.

1 on 1 meeting agenda template

Starting with the Improvement Plan:

  • Let's discuss the issues that we have. What led to this, in your opinion? What's your point of view?
  • Here is my/team's feedback. Do you agree with it? Do you need any clarification?
  • Let's review the performance improvement plan.
  • Do you have a clear understanding of expectations from you? Do you think they are realistic and reasonable? Do you have all the resources for meeting them?
  • What are the action items we can agree on till the next check-in?
  • Is there anything I can help you with? Do you need any other help?
  • Let's define the timeline when we'll evaluate progress and potential outcomes.
  • How do you feel about the Improvement Plan?

Performance review check-in:

  • What did you manage to improve since the last check-in?
  • What facilitated/inhibited your progress?
  • Is there anything that should be taken away/added to your Improvement Plan.
  • Let's schedule the date of the next check-in.

Performance review summary:

  • What did you manage to improve the most/the least? Why?
  • Did you have enough feedback? Was it helpful?
  • Did you feel supported by other team members?
  • Did your manager support you? How?
  • Did you have enough time?
  • What are the key conclusions you made?
  • What could be the next step, in your opinion?
  • Do you have any questions/thoughts to share?

Performance improvement meeting template in Peoplelogic

Try this performance improvement meeting agenda template and conduct 1:1 meetings in Peoplelogic. Save time, boost team's productivity, never lose track of a follow-up action item again. Be prepared and have better, more meaningful conversations with your team for improvement on job performance. They will thank you! ❤️

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